Prediction of anthropometric variables in standing position in Venezuelan direct labor workers


  • Alejandro Labrador Parra Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Ingeniería, Escuela de Ingeniería de Procesos Industriales. Maracay, Venezuela Author
  • Evelin Escalona Universidad de Carabobo (CEST-UC), Coordinación de Postgrado Salud Ocupacional e Higiene del Ambiente Laboral y del Programa de Doctorado en Salud Publica. Maracay, Venezuela Author



Anthropometric Variables, Direct Labor Force, Multiple Regressions, Variable Prediction


The present research aims to predict anthropometric variables in workers of direct industrial labor force in bipedestation, with mathematical models or algorithms such as linear or multiple regression models, which facilitate the measurement process reducing costs and time in the research. The methodology was applied to a population sample of 185 workers (131M,54W) of Venezuelan industrial direct labor, located in the industrial zones of Aragua state, being its research level correlational-transversal-epidemiological. The research made use of the statistical procedure of linear and multiple regressions with the support of the mini tab-17 statistical package. From the statistical assumptions, the obtained functions of simple and multiple regression in the anthropometric variables in bipedestation, show us significant models (Average 95 %) for a P-value<0, 05 by age group and sex, which will allow to reduce the costs and time in the anthropometric measurements of the industrial direct labor workers in Venezuela


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How to Cite

Labrador Parra A, Escalona E. Prediction of anthropometric variables in standing position in Venezuelan direct labor workers. Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation / Rehabilitacion Interdisciplinaria [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 12];4:105. Available from: