Anti-plagiarism policy
The Journal guarantees that all published academic articles are original, unpublished and have not been previously published in another format (in whole or in part) and does not participate in any evaluation or decision-making process of another journal or any other type of publication.
To enforce these policies, the journal uses the Turnitin platform to evaluate the similarity of articles, and may also use others when deemed appropriate (DupliCheker, Plagium, Copyscape, etc.).
Plagiarism control will be carried out before peer review begins. When the similarity report is higher than 20%, the authors will be informed by e-mail where the complete similarity report and the expert's reflection will be included. All this, with the purpose that they offer the comments they consider pertinent so that the journal can determine if it is a behavior linked to plagiarism or not, being in the first case the work rejected for evaluation.
The editors may offer authors alternative online programs so that they can analyze their papers before submission.