Bed bathing in adult critical care patients
Bathing, Critical Care, Care, NursingAbstract
Introduction: bed bathing is an essential intervention to provide well-being and comfort to critically ill patients, as well as to protect them from risks and threats. Prolonged hospitalization in critical care units can have negative consequences, and bed bathing has been presented as a complementary intervention to improve the care provided by nursing staff.
Methods: an integrative literature review was carried out in the Scopus and SciELO databases for the last 5 years, using descriptors such as "baths" and "critical care". A total of 60 articles were obtained, from which 22 relevant to the topic were selected.
Results: bed bathing with chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) has been shown to be effective in reducing bacterial colonization, healthcare-associated infections and the incidence of bloodstream infections in critically ill patients. Although positive results were observed with regular use of CHG bathing, more research is needed to define the optimal frequency and duration of treatment, as well as to evaluate possible adverse effects. The use of music to reduce pain in ventilated patients is identified.
Conclusion: bed bathing is used more frequently in critical settings with CHG. Further research with larger samples and defined methods is needed to maximize its effectiveness and establish clear guidelines for its appropriate use.
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