Interdisciplinary approach in support of academic trajectories: teacher and psycho-pedagogical training in action




Psychopedagogy, Academic Institutions, Language, Interdisciplinary Support


Accompanying formative trajectories at the Higher Level implies two essential components: collaborating to overcome cognitive difficulties inherent to the change of educational level and promoting the construction of an academic biography through group interaction and individual adaptation in the training process. In addition, it is essential to provide students with a space for active listening that gives them meaning, empowerment, and emancipation and fosters communication and social bonding in the classroom, generating a subjectivizing experience for teachers and students. Accompaniment also implies specific constitutive elements of each career, such as a language that reflects communication and professional identity and the integration of epistemic views that support a type of knowledge necessary for teaching. These elements, developed throughout the academic trajectory of each student, become the fundamental basis for generating institutional approaches, innovative didactic proposals, and diverse psycho-pedagogical interventions. In this context, interdisciplinary postures, based on complex thinking, offer an integrated development perspective for each student, allowing unique experiences in collaborative work among peers and teaching intervention. This is fundamental for their training and future performance in accompanying the school trajectories of children and adolescents, working in a collective and interdisciplinary way in schools.


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How to Cite

Catrambone R, Ledwith A. Interdisciplinary approach in support of academic trajectories: teacher and psycho-pedagogical training in action. Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation / Rehabilitacion Interdisciplinaria [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];3:50. Available from: