A comprehensive approach to the impact of job stress on women in the teaching profession
work stress, teaching profession, quality of life, integrated approachAbstract
Stress related to working conditions, or work-related stress, is the way in which the body reacts to different situations, causing a physical or psychological imbalance. This article contextualizes the work of our female teachers, identifies the causes, conflicts, physical and emotional symptoms brought about by inadequate interaction with the work environment. The research presented here is quantitative and qualitative, assuming as a basic condition to face this study, its dynamic, participative and transforming character. Due to its essence, the research will be descriptive, explanatory and participatory. We worked with an intentional sample of 50 female teachers working in seventh, eighth and ninth grades in four basic secondary schools located in the municipality of San Miguel del Padrón. A survey was applied to teachers to obtain information about our object of study. The emotional state of the female teachers analyzed and their job dissatisfaction are variables that affect their health, motivation, personal fulfillment and performance, thus also affecting the effectiveness of our educational institutions. The improvement of teachers, starting from considering the need to prevent work stress for an adequate professional performance in the context of performance, presupposes the design of various strategies that are conceived from the theoretical references of the historical-cultural approach, with a structure and operation that considers potential levels in correspondence with individual educational needs and adjusted to current conditions.
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