Health risk level and prediction of musculoskeletal pain in workers under telework conditions: A matrix approach




Health Indicators, Musculoskeletal Pain, Workers, Telecommuting


Objective: evaluate the level of ergonomic risk and discomfort among musculoskeletal workers in teleworking conditions, and determine the potential risk to health of the development of musculoskeletal disorders.

Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. In a sample of 212 workers (87.2% of the population). A questionnaire under the Google Forms application was used, in addition, video calls were made to evaluate the work station. Together, the ROSA method was used. Data analysis was performed with SPSS Version 26.

Results: (61,8 %) of the participants were male with a mean age of 45,86 ± 9,0 years, with a job history of 10,72 ± 8,8 years and a computer use time of 7.33 ± 3.0 hours. (41.9%) of the workers had a high level of dysergonomic risk. Likewise, 42,9 % of the personnel who teleworked did not present a high level of musculoskeletal pain. The health risk was (83 %), with a range of moderate to high and very high level. There is a strong-positive correlation between health risk and CMDQ total scores, given by rho = 0,896, likewise a strong-positive correlation between health risk and ROSA scores, given by rho = 0,869. With 95 % confidence and p <0,05.

Conclusions: it was evidenced that teleworkers carry out tasks under inadequate conditions and environment, not adapted to their anthropometry; In addition, they are exposed for a long time to biomechanical risk, generating musculoskeletal discomfort.


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How to Cite

Ron M, Pérez A, Hernández-Runque E. Health risk level and prediction of musculoskeletal pain in workers under telework conditions: A matrix approach. Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation / Rehabilitacion Interdisciplinaria [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];3:40. Available from: