Effectiveness of the treatment applied in the smoking cessation consultation
Smoking, Consumption, Addictions, Smoking Cessation ConsultationAbstract
Introduction: WHO estimates that approximately one third of the world's population smokes, and the use of traditional medicine in the treatment of tobacco dependence is recognized.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment administered in the smoking cessation consultation, medical office 9 of Puerto Esperanza, Viñales in 2018.
Methods: Observational, analytical cohort study. It involved 90 smokers who met the inclusion criteria. Participants were divided into three study groups using simple random sampling. They were subjected to psychological techniques, auriculotherapy, and homeopathy. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used, and expressed in absolute and relative frequencies. Variables such as age and sex, educational level, smoking habits, treatment effectiveness, and number of cigarettes smoked before and after treatment were used. The results were presented in tables for better interpretation.
Results: There was a male predominance. The age groups were different in the three study groups. Patients with intermediate technical education were predominant. A total of 51 patients quit smoking (56,6 %). The best results were obtained with the use of homeopathy with 27 patients (30 %). A total of 19 patients (21,1 %) were able to quit smoking using auriculotherapy. In contrast, only 5 patients (5,56 %) were able to quit using psychological techniques.
Conclusions: Treatment with traditional and natural medicine showed better results with the application of homeopathy and auriculotherapy.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Luis Alberto Vitón Fleitas, Mildrey Díaz Herrera, Osmaiki Martin Junco, Yadira Méndez Borrego, Yenisleidy González Borges (Author)
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