Behavior of ventilatory modalities in the Neonatology Service
Artificial Respiration, Newborn InfantAbstract
In recent years the survival of high risk and sick newborns has increased, these neonates require special intensive care and their life depends, in many occasions, on ventilatory support. With the aim of describing the behavior of invasive and non-invasive modalities of mechanical ventilation in the Neonatology Service of the "Iván Portuondo" Hospital during the period from January 2020 to July 2021. We conducted a descriptive, retrospective, longitudinal study in which our universe was 597 newborns who required admission to the neonatal intensive care unit, and as a sample 112 of them who required assisted ventilation, during the period covered by the research. The invasive or non-invasive modalities were related to variables such as: gestational age, sex, birth weight, reasons and complications of ventilation, in addition to the duration of ventilation and survival of these newborns. It was possible to conclude that the application of the invasive modality predominated in male newborns weighing less than 1500 g and with a gestational age of less than 30 weeks. Coinciding with the literature, Hyaline Membrane Disease remained as the first cause requiring the use of mechanical ventilation, it has been possible to shorten the ventilation time, and there were fewer complications and better survival in the non-invasive modality.
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