Effectiveness of the VIDA SANA educational program to promote the habit of physical activity in the staff of CADE Foods, Santo Domingo-Ecuador


  • Odalys Polette Álvarez Anchundia Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Jarol Miguel Flores Mera Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Miguel Ángel Enríquez Jácome Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Jenrry Fredy Chávez-Arizala Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author




Physical Activity, Health, Physical Exercise, Quality of Life, IPAQ


Introduction: physical exercise is any physical activity that improves and maintains a person's physical fitness, health and well-being; it is an important tool for preventing diseases and maintaining an adequate quality of life. 
Objective: determine the effectiveness of the VIDA SANA educational program to promote the habit of physical activity in the staff of CADE Foods, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.
Method: a quantitative, pre-experimental and prospective study was carried out in the facilities of the institution “Alimentos CADE” located in the coastal region of Ecuador in the province of Santo Domingo during the year 2021. The study sample was made up of 24 people. The questionnaire to be used is the "International Physical Activity Questionnaire" (IPAQ) 
Results: the male sex predominated with 62.5 % and the adult age group with 79.2 %, 54.2 % manifested low intensity physical activity and after the training program only 41.7 %, in the Pre- test at 25 % as the participants who practiced “low moderate physical activity”, after its application the results increased, leaving an effect of 41.7 %, 70.8 % appears to the participants who practiced “low walking physical activity ” before starting the program, after its application a result of 37.5 % was obtained, the Wilcoxon test indicates that there is a significant improvement in the dimensions of physical activity. 
Conclusions: it can be seen that a percentage of the sample has been oriented towards carrying out physical activity once the program has been applied, in addition, those who maintained low intensity physical activity were motivated to increase the intensity of their practices.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Anchundia OP, Flores Mera JM, Jácome M Ángel E, Chávez-Arizala JF. Effectiveness of the VIDA SANA educational program to promote the habit of physical activity in the staff of CADE Foods, Santo Domingo-Ecuador. Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation / Rehabilitacion Interdisciplinaria [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];5:40. Available from: https://ri.ageditor.ar/index.php/ri/article/view/40