Appreciation of intensive care unit staff regarding cardiological and neurological risk factors
Intensive Care Unit, Cardiovascular Factors, Psychological Factors, Medical Staff, ICU Nurses and TechniciansAbstract
Introduction: the number of cardiovascular, neurological and psychological diseases has increased over time due to changes in working conditions in the health system.
Objective: determinar los factores de riesgo cardiológicos y neurológicos y sus elementos asociados en pacientes de una UTI.
Methods: observational, descriptive study of medical and non-medical personnel working in the intensive care unit of Hospital HIGA Luisa C. de Gandulfo de Lomas de Zamora, in the southern area of Buenos Aires province. To obtain the information we used a survey based on cardiovascular and neurological risk factors.
Results: 10 % had hypertension and 60 % were smokers. Sixty percent were of normal weight, 45,5 % were overweight and 21 % obese; in addition, 73 % were physically active. Neurological factors such as fatigue were reported by 82,2 %, and 90 % experienced stress. 82,8 % of the respondents had more than one job.
Conclusion: the health of intensive care unit (ICU) staff is compromised by factors such as chronic stress, long working hours and exposure to intense situations. These aspects contribute to an alarming rate of hypertension, dyslipidemia and smoking, as well as neurological problems such as fatigue. It is crucial to implement strategies that address these challenges, including psychological support and policies that promote work-life balance, to improve staff well-being and the quality of patient care
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Copyright (c) 2025 Macarena Teixeira, Sandra Arcieri (Author)

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