Effects of physical and cognitive exercise on the independence of older adults in the period 2013-2023. Systematic review
physical exercise, cognitive exercise, older adult, independenceAbstract
The aging of the population is an increasingly relevant reality in modern society, which implies the need to understand how to extend the functionality and independence of older adults, aspects related to quality of life. The best known factors are physical and cognitive exercise. This article aimed to conduct a systematic review on the effects of physical and cognitive exercise on the independence of older adults during the period 2013-2023. The methodology employed was the systematic review of the literature, limited to original studies conducted on older adults as study subjects. It was found that most articles focused on physical exercise, even some used physical exercise as an activity to improve the cognitive status of older adults. The results were based on the analysis of 13 selected articles, most of which were published in Spanish and focused on Spanish and Latin American populations. Physical exercises demonstrated the best results in terms of independence, showing significant improvements in participants' abilities and skills. Similarly, the importance of cognitive stimulation in older adults was recognized. In conclusion, both physical and cognitive exercise have positive effects on the functional independence in older adults.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Víctor Hugo Minango Méndez, Joao Eduardo de Araujo, Marco Israel Piedra Zuriaga (Author)

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