Fahr's disease in a patient with sensorineural hypoacusia: case report
Fahr's Disease, Calcifications, Basal GangliaAbstract
Introduction: Fahr's disease is a rare pathology characterized by idiopathic calcium deposits in basal ganglia and cerebral cortex. They are generally found in individuals with a wide variety of neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Various syndromes, whether metabolic, hereditary or acquired, are among its possible etiologies.
Case report: a 47 – year-old male patient with a personal pathological history of type I diabetes mellitus and hearing loss since the age of 22. It began 2 years ago with psychiatric manifestations characterized by behavioral disorder, aggressiveness and alterations in higher mental functions. These symptoms worsened until psychosis. Given the marked resistance to antipsychotic treatment, a CT scan was performed where calcifications were visualized in the basal ganglia and other areas of the cerebral cortex.
Conclusions: neuroimaging is essential for the detection and treatment of these patients in a relevant and appropriate manner.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maytee Olivera Vega, Lisbel Garzón Cutiño, Deborah Cabrera Rodriguez (Author)

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