Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Impact of Job Stress on Teachers' Lives
Work Stress, Prevention, Quality Of Life, Integrated ApproachAbstract
Work stress is an increasingly frequent and growing phenomenon in today's society, where speed and impatience to constantly face new challenges and challenges in professional, family, and social life prevail. In the world of work, responsibilities, constant transformations, making difficult decisions and the demands of technological development can be sources of stress for education professionals, which is why learning to identify work stressors, identifying the signs of stress, managing to prevent them and developing the right strategies for their management is becoming an increasingly important priority for both teachers and educational institutions due to the costs they entail. This article contextualizes the Cuban scenario where our teachers work, identifies the main causes of stress at work, the conflicts, the physical and emotional symptoms it brings with it and highlights the importance of self-care to maintain the quality of life of education workers and make the educational institution a healthy space. The research is based on the dialectical-materialistic approach, theoretical, empirical, and mathematical statistical methods were used in the different stages of the study, and the bibliographic file technique was used for the critical study of the documents.
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Copyright (c) 2023 María de las Nieves Veloz Montano, María de la Caridad González Martínez, Leonardo Pérez Lemus (Author)

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